How to Use Property Marketing to Attract Tenants in a Competetive Market

How to Use Property Marketing to Attract Tenants in a Competetive Market

Real estate is becoming more competitive. So s your real estate marketing fit for the 21st century? For example, nowadays, nearly half of all prospective tenants will start their search online.

Keep reading if you haven't revisited your marketing strategy for some time. We'll explain how to update your marketing tactics and make them more effective for today's modern tenants.

Here are some ways of using property marketing to attract tenants in a challenging market in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Try a Virtual Tour

High-quality images and videos of your property do much of the legwork when promoting a home.

It helps tenants visualize their rooms, check space, and ensure it meets other specific requirements they might have.

Begin by taking high-resolution photos. It's worth investing in a professional real estate photograph, as they'll find the best lighting and angle.

Once you've done that, take a video and turn it into a virtual tour. This virtual walk-through will be a welcome feature for prospective tenants, and it will help boost viewings.

Use Local SEO

Local SEO will help you rank high when prospective tenants search for properties in your area.

If you aren't familiar with SEO, hire a specialist to do this for you. At a minimum, you'll need lots of content specific to your local area. If you serve multiple sites, write content for each location.

You can boost your traffic by paying for local property advertising on Google, Facebook, or other social media platforms.

Rewrite Your Property Descriptions

Prospective tenants will spend most of their time looking at photographs and videos when browsing properties. Yet you shouldn't underestimate the value of a well-written property description.

This space can help you market other aspects of the property that people won't learn from looking at a picture.

For example, you could talk about a safe neighborhood, fantastic local bars and restaurants, or how close the property is to the local train station.

Use Social Media

Most of us spend lots of our free time scrolling through the feed of our favorite social media platforms. You can use this space to market your properties to your target audience.

You'll need a decent-sized following to do this effectively. So if you are new to social media, start adding lots of beautiful content to your page to attract your target audience.

Use fun reels to show videos of your properties, and use images to share your most showstopping property interiors. Remember to add a helpful profile description, including your location and the types of properties you offer.

Offer Flexibility

Effective real estate marketing means standing out from the competition. One way to do this is to offer flexibility in your rental properties that others don't provide.

For example, you could waive application fees, or you could provide a move-in bonus. Welcoming pets will help attract a wider market.

Remember, when adding extras, consider the costs versus the marketing opportunity.

The Power of Property Marketing

Don't ignore the power of property marketing. As real estate becomes more competitive, you must stay one step ahead. Practical and modern marketing methods are a great way to do that.

For more help finding tenants for your property, head here to learn about Property Management Inc's marketing services for landlords in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
